Contract Migration
What happened?
On December 4, 2023, ThirdWeb announced a potential vulnerability that impacted some of their NFT contracts:
“The impacted pre-built contracts include but are not limited to DropERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 (all versions), and AirdropERC20.”
What steps should I take to migrate any pieces that I own?
As Gregory Eddi Jones’ 49/23 contract was developed using ThirdWeb’s ERC721 contract, so steps have been taken to mitigate and retire that old contract, create a new one, and start a migration process for all holders.
Step 1.
To claim a new 49/23 token from the new contract, please visit the following link.
Note: This requires a small gas fee to do so, we recommend waiting until gwei is low (check gas levels here).
Step 2.
Optional but recommended by ThirdWeb as an added precaution:
Visit Revoke.Cash to check your wallets for ThirdWeb contracts and revoke access.
Where can I find the new 49/23 collection?
OpenSea has supported the migration of the new collection page to replace the old one, and has hidden the old contract’s tokens. The new collection page can be found at the following link (same as before). If you previously owned a 49/23 token, and use the claim step above for a new one, your NFT will appear here.
Further questions?
Reach out to Greg directly with a DM on Twitter/X.